
李瑞鳳/蘇山(Susan Lii Miller)

15歲 師承「石川欽一郎」之第二代弟子(李石樵弟子許清景老師)

16歲 獲得青年雕塑(同窗)創作獎與水彩(二二八公園)優選等獎項

19歲 加入漢聲雜誌

23歲 加入天下雜誌

28歲 創立聚寶創意平面設計公司(進行中)

29歲 擔任台北市玻璃商業公會顧問( 進行中)

38歲 擔任遠見雜誌藝術指導(進行中)

41歲 獲得美國發明專利(全球第一個以玻璃結構設計家具)

41歲 創立 「禮物LiiU」玻璃家居設計品牌(進行中)

44歲 德國科隆IMM 家具展 首度曝光「禮物LiiU」玻璃家居設計

45歲 德國科隆IMM 家具展 二度曝光「禮物LiiU」玻璃家居設計

47歲 以旗袍為畫布創作「創世紀」

48歲 台灣首度曝光 「禮物LiiU」玻璃家居作品(展示作品均被收藏)

48歲 擔任廣東佛山金耀華玻璃顧問

48歲 中國廣州設計週首度曝光 「禮物LiiU」Susan Lii 玻璃家居作品

49歲 在上海中國國際玻璃工業技術展,展出兩把四米高的玻璃椅(金氏世界記錄)


Designer Profiles

The design team at Idearich has brought over two thousand projects from conception to reality in the past twenty years. It was a bit of a crazy idea when we decided to make our first cat table in 2011. We have adopted many stray cats at our company since 1998, so when we decided to venture into the field of glass furniture, it made perfect sense to use cats as our major source of inspiration.

We bring a holistic new design sensibility to each article of glass furniture, in both form and function. Instead of starting with traditional compositions and trying to make them look fresh, our designers bring every piece to life using a simple structure with charming and colorful patterns.

│Chief designer│Susan Lee

Susan Lee is a fourth generation student of Kinichiro Ishikawa, the Father of Taiwanese Art, in Taiwan. She is the founder of Idearich and Liiu. Susan is also a visual consultant for Global Views Magazine (Taiwan’s premiere business magazine) and a strategic consultant for the Taipei Glass Commercial Association. She will be showing her work in the Kinichiro Ishikawa museum in Japan.


在〈瘋狂蘇山李瑞鳳〉中有 1 則留言

  1. 引用通告: Mermaid collection & ART
